Jason is playing with Ally with her new Disney Princess barbie dolls
Of course, Jason has to be Mulan and give her a fighting stick (I think he pretends she's Bruce Lee with long hair)
Knowing how much we treasure modesty around here Ally was concerned about the Ariel doll (anyone who knows us well knows there is no Little Mermaid in the Woodard house! :)) and asked if she could give her to Carson to light on fire. What?! Now, I know where she got the light on fire thing - probably when she watched her daddy and some other elders from our former church blow up a Telletubby doll (nice huh?). It's that she thinks Carson is allowed to play with fire that concerns me. Better check up on that one. Anyways, I noticed tonight that she, on her own, has found fabric to tie around Ariel. I love it. What a sweet Peach!
Cole is playing with his Knex and begging for his computer time (he's the helper today... computer is the big perk!).
Carson is making a shrine to his Bionicle collection.
And Wilson and Tyson have begged to watch an episode of Sid the Science Kid. Ty might even give up his obsession with Little Einsteins for Sid!
So, that's what going on around here. It's time for all the little chickens to get in jammies and have family devotions. Then me and my hubs get to cuddle on the couch and watch The Office. This is my favorite kind of night!
I was just wondering if you statement "...then me and my hubs get to cuddle..." means that you have more than one husband?? Is there something you haven't told us?? I've always wondered how just the two of you manage all those kids. Hmmmmmm....... :)