Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Greatest Treat!!

This is the 2nd post from my super nutty, crazy busy June. My attempt is to be brief.

Part of my anniversary gift was knowing that Jason successfully begged and pleaded and convinced my dearest friend since 9th grade and her family to make the 15 hour drive to see us!! I could not have been more delighted.

Jeff and Adrienne and all 6 kids were the most wonderful addition to our home for 8 days. It was crazy hot so we did indoor things and went for ice cream twice.

The kids got along so well - not a single fight. But that doesn't mean it wasn't LOUD at times. One night we fed all the kids and put them to bed and got Pei Wei take out so the adults could have one quiet meal!

Adrienne has been a blessing in my life since I was 14! The Lord has taken us on very similar journeys and we laugh at thinking how we married men that are SO SO alike, have 7 children (yes, her #7 is on her way) and homeschool. Jason and I could not create another couple so similar to us and it was truly refreshing and encouraging and fun to be with them.

Here are some pictures...

Jeff has been developing his mad photography skills and took our family out for a shoot...

 Jason pulling out some of his awesome posing...

It was a wonderful week - there's so much more I could say but saying that it was wonderful definitely wraps it up. Lots of late nights (EVERY night), lots of laughs, lots of noise, lots of groceries, lots of memories. Thank you to my hunny bunny for bringing it about!


  1. so fun to see these pics of you two together and all your people. beautiful. :)

  2. Two GREAT families...miss them both!
