We always get asked "Are those ALL your children??" and once we confirm we get all sorts of gasps and comments that are less than supportive. One day a man in a Chick-Fil-A asked me the expected question and then said "You must have all the fun in the world." It was the nicest response I had ever received from a stranger. And he was right!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Fun with the Collins
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Don't wake the baby...
I like to pretend the she really needed that time with me but I know I'm the one who really wants it! She's my baby and she won't be for long.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
God's Perfect Timing
Thinking that financial security and stability were in our future were in the forefronts of our minds as we thought of a seventh baby. God had different plans - and though there were some rough days in the uncertainty, that has passed and we still have this precious nugget. Financial "security" may never be in our future - and what is that anyway?? Our security is in Christ. Our stability comes from "the Rock that is higher than I."
Thank you Father for sweet Piper Elizabeth - she has bean a means of grace to both Jason and me. We see Your loving hand in the giving of her to us and she reminds us that we are being held in your powerful, loving hands.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
My super, sweet girls
My little Peach gave me this one...
The "after" picture being our awesome wedding - notice how even little girls don't focus on the groom - we get the back shot of Jason.
And finally the "WAY after!!" I guess it does take a while to end up with 7 kiddos. What a funny little sugar. I love my Peach.
Then comes Madison's sweet note...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Long Valentine's Post

Each child had "Jesus loves_____" with their name inserted in front of the chair they were supposed to sit in and they all had Valentine cups with their names on them. Can I just say "I want to be Rachel when I grow up!!" She amazes me! She is a walking Martha Stewart (but way nicer :)) and not for her own glory, but because she loves to serve her family and others. She does such a wonderful job! I LOVE that I have a friend who thinks it is important to take the time to write Scripture all over paper that children are going to eat and spill on. She told me that when she was figuring out what she could "skip" in all the preparing it was not going to be adding Scripture to the table setting. I am so thankful to know her. Thanks you Rachel for your wonderful hospitality!!
Madison and Emma were the "Sparkle Spirit Style Girls" and performed an American Girl song. they were great - choreography and all.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Progressive Dinner
We started out at the Silagyi's for appetizers. I love little Ben's tilted head in this shot!
Yummy! Thanks to everyone who brought delicious food at both stops.
Awww- aren't we sweet? Love you girls!