OK, since I didn't wait till the new year to start my blog, I feel like I want to catch up on some of the recent activity in Woodard world. There's been so much going on. Here's a little snippet...

Jason's parents came to visit in mid November. We hadn't seen them in over 2 years. We had such a nice time. Madison learned Grandma's chocolate peanut butter pie recipe. It was especially great that they were able to see Madison, Carson, and Ally in their drama class production of "Annie"

Here's our little peach as the unfortunate and mistreated orphan, Molly. She was so cute.
Carson was hilarious as the scoundrel, Rooster. Here is singing "Easy Street" with Miss Hannigan and his accomplice, Lily.

Madison was AMAZING as Daddy
Warbucks assistant, Grace Ferrel. I could not believe how natural she was to have such a big part in her first ever play (outside the living room ,that is).
They had been taking drama classes all semester with
Marcell Livesay Hamilton, a tremendous, generous, and talented woman from our church. She gave up her time of teaching at the University to teach a small group of
homeschoolers. Isn't that awesome? I really didn't want to add anything to our schedule since we are doing a co-op for the first time this year but Jason and I had noticed real interest and talent in our oldest three and had begun to pray about an outlet for this dramatic ability. We have been so happy with the experience. They are doing it again next semester. Next up... Charlotte's Web!
Moving right along... we had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my family in town. My mom did popcorn ball crafts with the kids, my dad made his famous (and delicious) pancakes. Jack and David took Jason, Joby, and I out for an awesome dinner at Nona's. The best came the Saturday after Thanksgiving when Madison made her public profession and faith through baptism! More on that in a future post.
During all of this the kids are being taken to a million rehearsals for the Christmas production (
ok - maybe not a million, but it felt that way to me at times). Each of the 3 oldest scored actual parts. Once again, I was so proud of them - they have such confidence when they are acting.
December 10, 11, and 12 were the performance dates for "All Wrapped Up." I could post a million pictures of the kids (ok - maybe not a million - but it kinda feels that way) but I will stick with just this one of the opening number. The very best thing about this production is that it truly moved the heart of my son, Carson, who has been diligently pursuing us about following Christ.
So, there you have it. A brief wrap up of the last month... and that's just the big stuff. Each day has it's own blog worthy activities and observations - I just didn't start this thing soon enough. Through all the hustle I have been so proud of my very handsome husband who has faithfully led us in family worship each night before bed. Some days I feel so exhausted I can barely stand it and yet, I see my children learning and growing in the things that truly matter. I am so thankful to the Lord for His abundant mercy.